Saturday, 14 May 2011

My piano learning outcome =)

Here is my weekly piano lesson learning outcome:
1)      Lesson 1
-          Introduction to the stave: A stave has 5 lines and 4 spaces
-          Introduction to treble clef and bass clef
-          Learn how to write music notes in the stave
-          Name all the music notes according to their letter names and their position in the stave
-          Introduction to the position of middle C in the piano

2)      Lesson 2
-          Introduction to the name time value of notes and name each notes
-          Count the beats according to each time value
-          Completed exercise on addition of time value of the notes (involves fraction)
-          Learn how to play five notes using the right hand and four notes using left hand (C, B, A, G) referring to its letter name

3)      Lesson 3
-          Introduction to bar lines and time signatures: Time signatures tells us the time value of notes in every bar
-          Play a song (Mary Had A Little Lamb) using right hand only while reading the notes without referring to its letter name
-          Exercise on playing the five notes (C, D, E, F, G) using right hand without referring to its letter name

4)      Lesson 4
-          Introduction to dots: A dot after a note increases its value by half
-          Do exercise in counting the time value of a dotted note (involves fraction)
-          Play songs (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and London Bridge)  that involves right hand and left hand while reading the notes without referring to its letter name
-          Exercise on playing the four notes (C, B, A, G) using left hand without referring to its letter name

5)      Lesson 5
-          Introduction to rests : Rests are signs of silence
-          Name each rest and write each time values
-          Do exercise on adding the rest in a bar according to the time signature given (calculation involves fraction)
-          Play 3 songs (Ode To Joy, Good Morning and The Saints) using right hand only without referring to its letter name

6)      Lesson 6
-          Introduction to ties: A tie joints notes which sound the same
-          Do exercise on adding ties where possible and count the total number of beats
-          Play 2 songs (Good Morning and Ode To Joy) learnt last week but introduce G major and C major played using left hand while right hand plays the same

7)      Lesson 7
-          Introduction to semitones: A semitone is the smallest distance between 2 notes, e.g. C – C#, E – F, A# - B
-          Introduction to tones: A tone consists of two semitones
-          Do exercise by writing the notes to one tone higher or lower and indicate the distance between the pairs of notes saying whether it is a semitone or tone
-          Practice on the song learnt last week

8)      Lesson 8
-          Finish the syllabus of Grade 1 theory
-          Introduction to the scales of C, G, D and F major
-          Introduction to accidentals:
·         Sharp : Raises the note by one semitone
·         Flat : Lowers the note by one semitone
·         Natural : Cancels a sharp or flat in order to restore the note to its original pitch
-          Do exercise by adding the clef and key signature in each of the scales to indicate the key
-          Learn a new song (French Child’s Song) and introduce a new scale-F major to the song

I need some feedbacks =)

Do write down your opinions or suggestions for me in the chatbox. You can also email me at to find out more about my research. Thanks a lot for spending your precious time reading my blog and HAVE A GOOD DAY. =)

How is fractions related to music?

                I am sure many of you wonder in what way will fractions be related to music. The following will be my explanation on how fractions related music.
    Photo 1 explain about the time signature, time value of notes and dotted notes.Photo 2 gives explanation on ties and example of questions in Grade 1 theory.

Photo 1: Time signature, time value of notes, and dotted notes.

Photo 2: Explanation of ties and examples of questions in theory which involves fractions.
               By learning the Grade 1 theory, I have to do calculations based on fractions. You can also go to this website ( and check out the explanation on adding fractions to make rhythms.

Friday, 13 May 2011

Practicing the piano

           Each of my piano lesson took an hour long. I need to practice at home myself as well. I practice three times a week and each practice is 1 hour long. I will list down some of the things that I need to take note when I am practicing.
Here are some piano practicing tips: 
  1. First of all, prepare a timetable for yourself. Self-discipline is very important.
  2. Do some stretching before you start playing the piano. Stretch your arms, neck and shoulder. This can prevent yourself from having a sore back or tense shoulder.
  3. Maintain a good sitting posture and hand position.
  4. Do not practice non-stop. Make sure you know when to stop. As for me, I take a 2 minutes rest every 15 minutes of practice.
  5. For a beginner, it is advisable to read out the notes while you count the beats according to my piano teacher.
  6. Don't forget to do exercise on theory too. 

My results

 Here is the format of the Mathematics test.

Test 2
Test 1

This is the results I got after completing both the Mathematics test, Test 1 and Test 2.
Test 1
  1. Time recorded: 26 minutes 3 seconds
  2. Score: 43/50
Test 2
  1. Time recorded: 23 minutes 20 seconds
  2. Score: 45/50
                It shows that the time taken to complete both the test differ by 2 minutes and 43 seconds. The score obtained had a difference of 3 marks. Hence, I can say that my research is successful to prove that learning piano can improve my performance in fractions because I had show improvement in terms of speed and accuracy. However, the difference in times recorded is not that obvious. I think it is mainly because I only attend the piano classes for 8 weeks and the time is not sufficient to show a greater improvement.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Introduction to my research

Hi everyone. I'm Eng Jing Yuan, 18 years old, a college student currently conducting a research on the link between music and Mathematics.
The following will be some details about my research.
  1. Subject title: Music affects intelligence
  2. Research topic: Can learning piano improve my mathematical skills in and fractions?
  3. How do I carry out my research?
  • I will attend a 8 weeks long piano lesson and learn from the basic as a beginner. (I don't have any musical background)
  • I will take a Mathematics test before and after the 8 weeks long piano lesson. The Mathematics test is based on fractions (involves multiplication, division and combined operation) and it consists of 50 question. So, I will time myself to see how much time I took to complete the test.
  • Then, I will compare the results of both test.
Now, let me tell you how did I get to this topic. One day, while I was having breakfast with my mom, I complained to her that I couldn't find a topic for my research. So, she suggested to me that I should do something I'm interested in. I took her advice and thought of something which I wanted to learn long time ago. It's PIANO!! I've been wanting to learn piano since young but never had the chance to. This is a very good opportunity to fulfill my small little dream.
Hence, I thought of making my research about learning the piano. But, I want to make it more interesting so I tried to connect it with something else. This is when Mathematics comes into mind. I was facing some difficulties doing differentiation at that time because I'm not familiar with fractions. So, I decided to link music with Mathematics.
I quickly do some web-based research to look for the connection between music and Mathematics. And what I found really make me relieved. There are a few research conducted before this and it's about MUSIC AND MATHS too. I also found out that music is related to Mathematics in the sense that fractions is involved in music notes. Therefore, I further narrow down my research topic to "Can learning  piano improve my mathematical skills in fractions?"
I will test out my hypothesis by doing two Mathematics test before and after learning piano. Hopefully I can prove that my hypothesis is correct.