Here is my weekly piano lesson learning outcome:
1) Lesson 1
- Introduction to the stave: A stave has 5 lines and 4 spaces
- Introduction to treble clef and bass clef
- Learn how to write music notes in the stave
- Name all the music notes according to their letter names and their position in the stave
- Introduction to the position of middle C in the piano
2) Lesson 2
- Introduction to the name time value of notes and name each notes
- Count the beats according to each time value
- Completed exercise on addition of time value of the notes (involves fraction)
- Learn how to play five notes using the right hand and four notes using left hand (C, B, A, G) referring to its letter name
3) Lesson 3
- Introduction to bar lines and time signatures: Time signatures tells us the time value of notes in every bar
- Play a song (Mary Had A Little Lamb) using right hand only while reading the notes without referring to its letter name
- Exercise on playing the five notes (C, D, E, F, G) using right hand without referring to its letter name
4) Lesson 4
- Introduction to dots: A dot after a note increases its value by half
- Do exercise in counting the time value of a dotted note (involves fraction)
- Play songs (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and London Bridge) that involves right hand and left hand while reading the notes without referring to its letter name
- Exercise on playing the four notes (C, B, A, G) using left hand without referring to its letter name
5) Lesson 5
- Introduction to rests : Rests are signs of silence
- Name each rest and write each time values
- Do exercise on adding the rest in a bar according to the time signature given (calculation involves fraction)
- Play 3 songs (Ode To Joy, Good Morning and The Saints) using right hand only without referring to its letter name
6) Lesson 6
- Introduction to ties: A tie joints notes which sound the same
- Do exercise on adding ties where possible and count the total number of beats
- Play 2 songs (Good Morning and Ode To Joy) learnt last week but introduce G major and C major played using left hand while right hand plays the same
7) Lesson 7
- Introduction to semitones: A semitone is the smallest distance between 2 notes, e.g. C – C#, E – F, A# - B
- Introduction to tones: A tone consists of two semitones
- Do exercise by writing the notes to one tone higher or lower and indicate the distance between the pairs of notes saying whether it is a semitone or tone
- Practice on the song learnt last week
8) Lesson 8
- Finish the syllabus of Grade 1 theory
- Introduction to the scales of C, G, D and F major
- Introduction to accidentals:
· Sharp : Raises the note by one semitone
· Flat : Lowers the note by one semitone
· Natural : Cancels a sharp or flat in order to restore the note to its original pitch
- Do exercise by adding the clef and key signature in each of the scales to indicate the key
- Learn a new song (French Child’s Song) and introduce a new scale-F major to the song